Using Natural Horse Grooming Products on Others

Toi Wall

Many of the natural horse grooming products that we carry at Teddy's Tack Trunk can be used on your other pets, like cats and dogs, as well as on yourself!  Because these products use natural, high quality, non-toxic ingredients, they are safe for everyone. 

Recently, we have been using the Espana Silk Shampoo and Conditioner on Teddy, our dog, and ourselves and are very happy with the results.  They do carry specific products for horses, dogs, cats, and humans. But, the products themselves are the same. The label is the only difference.

Other great products that you can also use for grooming your horse, pets, and family include EQyss, Mrs. Conn's Enriched Sponges, and Zephyr's Garden. 

For more information, please check these products out on our site.



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